Profile: Lucia Mýtna Kureková, Mgr., MA. PhD., Researcher

Research Field

  • Labour market and skills
  • Labour market hierarchies and inequalities
  • Labour migration and labour mobility
  • Social inclusion, social policy and active labour market policies
  • Big data and innovative data sources for labour market research

Forecasts, Prospects, Analyzes, Strategies

  • Research about causes and consequences of labour market inequalities in the context of Corona pandemic. Research focusing on labour migration and posting of working in different institutional contexts. Research analyzig labour market coping strategies of individuals and organisations during Corona pandemic. Research about adult learning under pressures of digitalisation and automation. Analysis of methodological aspect of online labour market data.

Concise Profile

Lucia Mýtna Kureková (PhD) works as a researcher at Slovak Academy of Sciences. She gained her PhD in political science in 2011 at Central European University in Budapest. Her research focuses on labor markets, skill formation and education systems; labor migration and labor mobility; innovative data sources; and industrial, economic and social policy. Lucia has widely published in these fields and gained research and research management experience in various international collaborative research projects, including STYLE, NEUJOBS, SEEMIG and ENPI. She has worked as a consultant and national expert for international organizations, including the World Bank, European Commission, CEDEFOP and OECD, on topics related to skills governance, VET, career guidance, and social inclusion. She is a member of EENEE network since 2020 and an editorial board member of Journal of Economics (Ekonomický časopis) since 2019. She is also affiliated with Slovak Governance Institute (SGI), Central European Labor Studies Institute (CELSI), Global Labour Organization (GLO) and Institute for the Study of Labour in Bonn (IZA).
Lucia Mýtna Kureková (PhD) received her doctorate in political economy in 2011 from the Central European University in Budapest. Her research areas include labor market inequalities; labor migration and integration of immigrants; use of innovative data sources; and public policies for labor market and skills development. Lucia has widely published in these areas and gained experience in research and research management in various international research projects, including STYLE, NEUJOBS, POW-BRIDGE and ISKILL. She works as a consultant and national expert for international organizations, including the World Bank, the European Commission, CEDEFOP, the ILO and the OECD. Since 2019, she has been a member of the editorial board of Journal of Economics (Ekonomický časopis). In addition, she is a Fellow at the Slovak Governance Institute (SGI), the Central European Institute for Labor Research (CELSI), the Global Labor Organization (GLO) and the Institute for Labor Studies in Bonn (IZA)

Scientific Projects

Selected Publishing Activity

GUZI, Martin - KAHANEC, Martin - MÝTNA KUREKOVÁ, Lucia. What explains immigrant-native gaps in European labor markets: The role of institutions. In Migration Studies, 2021, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 1823–1856. (2020: 1.917 - IF, Q3 - JCR, 0.918 - SJR, Q1 - SJR). ISSN 2049-5838. Dostupné na: (VEGA č. 2/0079/21 : Príčiny a dôsledky nerovností na trhu práce v kontexte Corona pandémie na Slovensku) Typ: ADMA

MÝTNA KUREKOVÁ, Lucia - KOVÁČOVÁ, Lucia - HOLIČKOVÁ, Nina. Spolupráca ruže prináša : Sonda do pracovnej integrácie osôb s viacnásobným znevýhodnením v období koronakrízy. Recenzentky: Darina Ondrušová, Zuzana Polačková. Bratislava : Prognostický ústav Centra spoločenských a psychologických vied SAV, 2022. 127 s. ISBN 978-80-89524-67-9 (VEGA č. 2/0079/21 : Príčiny a dôsledky nerovností na trhu práce v kontexte Corona pandémie na Slovensku) Typ: AAB

KOVÁČOVÁ, Lucia - STUDENÁ, Ivana - MÝTNA KUREKOVÁ, Lucia. Bridging the gap between legislation and practice in the posting of workers: Slovakia Country Report : POW-BRIDGE. Reviewers: Sonila Danaj, Miloslav Bahna. [Vienna] : [European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research], 2021. 35 p. Dostupné na internete: (VS/2019/0396 : POW-Bridge: Preklenutie rozdielov medzi legislatívou a praxou vo vysielaní pracovníkov. VEGA č. 2/0079/21 : Príčiny a dôsledky nerovností na trhu práce v kontexte Corona pandémie na Slovensku)

KOVÁČOVÁ, Lucia - STUDENÁ, Ivana - MÝTNA KUREKOVÁ, Lucia. Challenges encountered by employers in the posting of workers in Slovakia : Posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services, Policy Brief 2021/14. Vienna : European Centre, 2021. 10 p. vyšlo aj v slovenčine: Výzvy vo vysielaní pracovníkov z pohľadu zamestnávateľov na Slovensku. Vysielanie pracovníkov na výkon prác pri poskytovaní služieb. Dostupné na internete: <> (VS/2019/0396 : POW-Bridge: Preklenutie rozdielov medzi legislatívou a praxou vo vysielaní pracovníkov. VEGA č. 2/0079/21 : Príčiny a dôsledky nerovností na trhu práce v kontexte Corona pandémie na Slovensku)