Institute for Forecasting has launched the implementation of a new international project financed by the European Commission ‘INFO-POW – Assessment of the channels of information and their use in the posting of workers’. The project aims to map online and offline channels of information provided by the state and non-state actors to posting undertakings, and to pilot web survey among firms in the construction sector to map their information needs in posting.
We gathered on the 20th of October 2022 in the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research in Vienna together with the project partners: the European Centre (Lead Partner), HIVA KU Leuven, ZRC SAZU – Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Arts and Sciences, and UNIVE – Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. The Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences of the Slovak Academy of Sciences was represented by Institute for Forecasting researchers: Lucia Mýtna Kureková, Ivana Studená, and Alexandra Moran.
The meeting first focused on discussing administrative aspects of the implementation of the project. We then extensively discussed methodological tools underpinning data collection with respect to country mapping exercise and pilot online survey.
The team of the Slovak Academy of Sciences is looking forward to organizing Online Consultation Workshop which will take place in January 2023.