Adult Learning at the Workplace: ISKILL Roundtable

On Monday, the 20th of March, the Adult Learning at the Workplace Roundtable took place at the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic. The event was organised by the Institute for Forecasting CSPS SAS in cooperation with the State Institute of Vocational Education.

The seminar is part of the project “ISKILL - Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue to Kick-In Inclusive Adult Learning”. The goal of the meeting was to discuss the needs of employers and employees in order to support skills in the context of digital and green transformation, as well as the practice within companies and their approaches to the education of employees. We assessed the possible role of trade unions in supporting adult learning at the workplace and reviewed existing public support schemes of adult learning and the possibilities for new support schemes. The discussion was preceded by a short presentation of the empirical observations of the ISKILL project, where we introduced the findings based on interviews with employers, employees, and stakeholders in the automotive industry.

The discussion was attended by representatives of the public sector, trade union organisations, providers of education and career guidance. The participants contributed valuable insights in relation to public support schemes and the balancing of educational interests and needs of employers and employees, as well as the need to strengthen social dialogue as a tool for the development of education.